Health Start

NATIVE HEALTH Health Start (New Mothers) Program is devoted to helping prenatal women and teens with children (ages 0-2) to remain healthy as they grow and develop. Funded by Arizona Department of Health Services.

Health Start provides expecting mothers, and mothers of children under 2, with resources and support to help families remain healthy as they grow and develop. This is a no-cost program and is available to anyone who lives within Maricopa County.

Services that Health Start provides include home-based guidance for women during pregnancy and after birth, helping children and families stay up to date on immunizations, assisting women in finding prenatal care, and making referrals to other assistance services, if needed. Health Start provides monthly classes to enrolled clients on various topics related to parenting, prenatal care, safety tips, mental wellbeing, nutrition, and more!

Referrals may be made to the program by calling (602) 279-5262, ext. 23005 or email: