Our new NHW location is now open for all your healthcare needs. Medical walk-in available.

8800 North 22nd Avenue in Phoenix, conveniently located one block from the Dunlap Avenue Light Rail. 

2025 Indigenous Wellness Camp

July 14–July 18, 2025 at Mingus Mountain Camp in Prescott Valley, AZ. American Indian/Alaska Native children, ages 9-12 years old can attend at no cost!

Pediatric and adult walk-in medical services available at all NATIVE HEALTH sites.

For more information please call (602) 279-5262.


NATIVE HEALTH WIC at Central Avenue and Phoenix Indian Medical Center is now located at 4602 North 16th Street, Suite 201 in Phoenix.

Did AHCCCS contact you or your household? Please respond! This will help ensure that your AHCCCS coverage remains active.

If you need help renewing or updating your AHCCCS coverage, NATIVE HEALTH’s Patient Enrollment Specialists can help! They’re available in person, phone or via Zoom. Days, evenings and weekends!

For more information call (602) 285-9492
or email: ematus@nachci.com

NATIVE HEALTH is hiring!

How can we help you?

Personal que habla español disponible en todos los locales de NATIVE HEALTH.

To make an appointment at any of our locations please call (602) 279-5262

More about us

At NATIVE HEALTH, we strive to provide the best health care available for urban American Indians, Alaska Natives, and other individuals who generally experience barriers to holistic, patient-centered, culturally sensitive health and wellness services. All NATIVE HEALTH locations offer same-day medical appointments.

NATIVE HEALTH currently provides a wide range of programs, including primary medical, dental, behavioral health, WIC (available at four sites), and community health and wellness programs.

Schedule an appointment

Walk in WIC days/hours

NHW Community Health Center: Tuesday, 8 a.m.-5p.m. 

Native Health Mesa: Thursdays, 9a.m.-6 p.m.

Learn more >
Prenatal Services

Prenatal services are offered at NATIVE HEALTH Central through Valleywise Health.

Learn more >
Native Talk Arizona

Native Talk Arizona is NATIVE HEALTH’s Native American cultural affairs program. Listen Wednesday nights, 7:00 p.m. on KRDP 90.7 FM, or download our podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or our webpage.

Learn more >
AHCCCS Enrollment and Renewal Assistance

NATIVE HEALTH’s Patient Enrollment Specialists can help eligible individuals and families enroll or update their AHCCCS and KidsCare benefits. TELEPHONIC and in-person AVAILABLE. Evenings by appointment. For more information call (602) 285-9492 or email: ematus@nachci.com

NATIVE HEALTH is a Health Center Program grantee under 42 U.S.C. 254b, and a deemed Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) Public Health Service organization under 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n). NATIVE HEALTH is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

NATIVE HEALTH es un concesionario bajo el codigo 42 U.S.C. 254b del Programa de Centros de Salud y es considerado organizacion de servicio de Salud Publico tras la ley Federal du reclamaciones de agravio (FTCA) oujo el codigo 42 U.S.C. 233(g)-(n). NATIVE HEALTH es empleador de oportunidad equitativa.

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